Safety & Selectivity in the Scale Up of Chemical Reactions

19 July 2021 14:00 - 22 July 2021 17:00, United Kingdom

The safety of chemical processes is critical for the whole chemical industry. It is vital that process development chemists and engineers are able to identify aspects of the chemistry that may be hazardous or pose a risk to the safety of the process or equipment.

In order to do this, they need to know when to proactively engage colleagues or contractors to carry out process safety testing and hazard analysis, which in turn requires a knowledge of the equipment and test methods available.

As chemical reactions are scaled up and operations become more economic the ability to remove heat from exothermic events becomes reduced and at the same time the outcome of any incident becomes much more severe.

This is an almost unique course on the safety of chemical reactions and processes that are designed by chemists for chemists (and engineers) with the ultimate aim of helping the chemical industry reduce the number of chemical or process related incidents.

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