Applications and Developments in Analytical ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥appÏÂÔØ in Sporting Achievement and Implications for the Wider Public

1 July 2020 10:00-17:00, London, United Kingdom

‘With the Summer Olympics and Paralympics around the corner this year, many will marvel at the feats of achievement and excellence that will be on display. What many will not know is the integral role that analytical science will have played in support of these achievements, from anti-doping, to nutritional analysis, biomechanical analysis etc. Advancements are being made across the field from instrumentation to applications and many of which have wider public health implications. Join those working at the forefront of these techniques and fields to learn more about recent scientific advances in these fields.’
The cost of attending this event is as follows:
Member £100; Non-member £120; Research student/retired member/unwaged £80. These prices are inclusive of lunch and refreshments.
A registration form may be downloaded with instruction as to how payment may be made.

Library, The ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥appÏÂÔØ, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom

Useful links

  • Brian Woodget RSC - East Anglia Region/AD, United Kingdom
  • Kate Marrs RSC- East Anglia Region/AD, United Kingdom

Organised by
The East Anglia Region of the Analytical Division of the ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥appÏÂÔØ
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