Plenary 10h00 "What’s new in the non-conventional measurement techniques?"
Testimonials from industrial users of neutron and synchrotron light techniques
- Procter and Gamble (United-Kingdom), Eric ROBLES, Newcastle Innovation Centre
=> How Mechanistic Insights from Synchrotron X-ray and Neutron Characterisation Fuel Innovation In Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
- BASF (Germany), Bernd HINRICHSEN, Material Physics and Analytics department
=> BASF Research and Synchrotron ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥appÏÂÔØ, Current and Future Work
- TOTAL (France), Isabelle BETREMIEUX, Research and Development department
=> Analytical sciences at TOTAL: usage and perspective for neutrons and synchrotron techniques
Pitches from service providers (25 min in total): Finden (United-Kingdom), Novitom (France), Xploraytion (Germany), SAVED (France)
The nSOFT consortium at NIST: an American example of a fruitful collaboration scheme between industrial companies and a public large-scale facility.
Andrew JACKSON, Deputy Head of Neutron Instrument Division at European Spallation Source ESS (Sweden)
ILL and ESRF: services and partnerships for Industry
Edward Mitchell, Head of the ESRF Business Development Office
Caroline Boudou, ILL Industrial Liaison Officer
Lunch 12h15-13h15
Face to face meetings AND tutorials in parallel 13h15- 16h45
Flash Tutorials (30 min each, serial)
A) How neutron scattering can target the structure and the dynamics of food and their constituents under processes
Camille Loupiac, Lecturer at AgroSup Dijon and collaborator at Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, France
B) Nanoparticles: shedding light on how they behave and how they interact with their environment
Bernhard Hesse, Co-founder, Xploraytion, Germany
C) Using neutron and X-ray diffraction to understand ligand binding to protein targets
Zoë Fisher, Group Leader for Deuteration and Macromolecular Crystallisation at the European Spallation Source ESS, Sweden
D) What can X-ray imaging technologies bring to the efficiency evaluation of cosmetic & pharmaceutical formulations?
Barbara Fayard, Imaging expert at Novitom, France
E) Improvement in formulation: using X-rays and neutron to investigate the microstructure with varying external conditions
Isabelle Grillo, Scientist and instrument responsible at the Institut Laue-Langevin, France
F) Chemical tomography in materials
Antony Vamvakeros, Research Scientist at Finden ltd, United-Kingdom
G) X-ray synchrotron 3D imaging for industry: present and future possibilities
Elodie Boller, Industrial liaison engineer for synchrotron X-ray imaging at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France
17h00 Envision the future - wrap-up & Apéritif Lyonnais
A view of Industry on large-scale instruments and working closely together.
Panel: BASF, PROCTER & GAMBLE, Finden, Xploraytion, Novitom, ESS, ILL, ESRF