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Did you know that we have access to every article in the @RoySocChem journal portfolio? Search cutting-edge and historic research in the chemical sciences, plus work at the interface of chemistry and subjects including biology, physics and engineering.<Insert link to web page>
If you are the corresponding author, your article processing charges are covered if you publish gold open access in any of @RoySocChem’s 38 hybrid subscription journals. To find out more, ask us about the Read & Publish scheme:<insert link to web page>
<Institution name> belongs to @RoySocChem’s Read & Publish scheme, which means researchers can publish gold OA in all 新月直播app下载 hybrid subscription journals, and readers have access to every paper in their 45+ journal portfolio. Learn more:<insert link to web page>
Would you like to increase the amount of work you publish open access? Because we are part of the @RoySocChem’s Read & Publish initiative, you can publish gold OA as a corresponding author in any of their 38 hybrid subscription journals at no cost. Learn more:<insert link to web page>
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Did you know that we have access to every article in the @RoySocChem journal portfolio? Search cutting-edge and historic research in the chemical sciences, plus work at the interface of chemistry and subjects including biology, physics and engineering.<Insert link to web page>
If you are the corresponding author, your article processing charges are covered if you publish gold open access in any of @RoySocChem’s 38 hybrid subscription journals. To find out more, ask us about the Read & Publish scheme:<insert link to web page>
<Institution name> belongs to @RoySocChem’s Read & Publish scheme, which means researchers can publish gold OA in all 新月直播app下载 hybrid subscription journals, and readers have access to every paper in their 45+ journal portfolio. Learn more:<insert link to web page>
Would you like to increase the amount of work you publish open access? Because we are part of the @RoySocChem’s Read & Publish initiative, you can publish gold OA as a corresponding author in any of their 38 hybrid subscription journals at no cost. Learn more:<insert link to web page>