Please note, these guidelines are relevant to all of our journals. Make sure that you check your chosen journal’s web pages for specific guidelines too.
The templates will give you an idea of length and layout of the article; however all articles are professionally edited and typeset to our house style, so the final article will look different to the template. For further guidance on writing your article and preparing Supplementary Information see our guidelines for preparing your article.
Use of the template is optional for our journals; the only exception to this is you must use the Communication template for preparing Communications submitted to ChemComm. For communications, use the Communication template; for all other article types (including reviews and Edge articles), use the article template. Please note that Faraday Discussions uses a single-column format so it will look different to the template.
Some journals also offer double-anonymised peer review; authors who choose to opt-in should ensure their manuscript and all associated files are suitably anonymised before submission.
Please consult our template user guide for help when using our Microsoft Word templates.
Microsoft Word templates
LaTeX templates
If using the LaTeX template, please provide us with both the native files and a PDF file of your manuscript including all of your figures (as this format is the most accessible to our reviewers). Please note as part of the publishing process, articles are converted to a different format for professional typesetting.
We host our with Overleaf, an authoring tool that helps collaborators easily prepare and edit their manuscripts with realtime format previewing, easy document sharing and collaboration, and user support and LaTeX help.
We also host our and with Overleaf, which have the additional benefit of a quick and simple one-click submission process.
Find out more about our partnership with Overleaf on the PCCP homepage or Soft Matter homepage.
Referencing templates: Endnote style files
You can automatically format references from your Endnote citation manager using our style files. Files are compatible with both Windows and Macintosh.
Chemical structure templates
Use our templates to produce clear chemical structures in ChemDraw. This will allow you to optimise the layout for the page dimensions of our journals. Download the zip files you need for Mac or PC below: