Event : 新月直播app下载 Discussion Group Spring Meeting - In situ monitoring by 新月直播app下载: what is it all about? http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/19864/新月直播app下载%20Discussion%20Group%20Spring%20Meeting%20-%20%20In%20situ%20monitoring%20by%20新月直播app下载%3a%20what%20is%20it%20all%20about%3f This is a feed for event : 新月直播app下载 Discussion Group Spring Meeting - In situ monitoring by 新月直播app下载: what is it all about? Mon, 29 Feb 2016 14:10:18 Z 19864 19864 http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/19864/新月直播app下载%20Discussion%20Group%20Spring%20Meeting%20-%20%20In%20situ%20monitoring%20by%20新月直播app下载%3a%20what%20is%20it%20all%20about%3f 新月直播app下载 Discussion Group Spring Meeting - In situ monitoring by 新月直播app下载: what is it all about? Event dates: 17 March 2016<br/>Event summary: Recently, the use of in situ monitoring by 新月直播app下载 has proven to be of value in many disciplines. The technique is rapidly advancing and forms the subject of this meeting. <br/>Event Venue: The University of York, York, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom Mon, 29 Feb 2016 14:10:18 Z 2016-02-29T14:10:18Z